Drive Climate Action

Learn and compete in solving climate challenges. Empower yourself with our classes, tools, and resources.

Architect and design schematic diagram of solar cells and wind turbines or alternative energy. Solar cell and wind turbine models.

About us

We are behind MIT's successful Climate & Energy Ventures class. Our mission is to offer education, tools, and competitions to foster innovation in climate solutions.

We aim to empower individuals and communities. We provide resources that help tackle environmental challenges. Join us in making a difference.

Our services



MIT's successful Climate & Energy Ventures class. Now offered at UT Austin and coming soon to other schools.

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Net Zero and Carbon Neutral Concepts Net Zero Emissions Goals A climate-neutral long-term strategy Ready to put wooden blocks by hand with green net center icon and green icon on gray background.


We offer tools that empower individuals and businesses to tackle climate challenges. Our solutions are designed to be practical and user-friendly, helping you make informed decisions for a sustainable future.

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Our book offers a detailed guide on climate issues and solutions. It integrates expert insights and actionable steps for individuals looking to make a positive impact.

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